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This Saturday, May 14, the scientific project 'UP: Microbes on the fly' will be launched into the stratosphere / BCThey won't go to Cape Canaveral, but they don't need to.The countdown will not serve to put NASA's latest launch into orbit, but rather the probe balloons that the fourteen education
The Spiciencia project to cross the stratosphere./ BCThe little scientists from 'Espiciencia', from Espinosa de los Monteros, launched their project into the stratosphere this past Sunday.'UP: Microbes on the Fly' flew overhead and reached 31,000 meters (three times higher than commercial flights
Starting with the Confocal Microscope Market Overview, it presents an overview analysis of the latest trends that are prevalent in the industry.The report begins with the description of the market environment and the analysis of the size and forecast of the product or service based on regions and
Saturday, May 21, 2022Updated Friday, May 20, 2022 at 2:49:57 p.m.Microscopes have been instruments at the service of human observers, allowing them to make many scientific discoveries.But now researchers have found a way for microscopes to decide for themselves what is most important to look at research report examines the growth of the global Microscope Slides market from 2022 to 2028. The research is organized into sections, and includes evaluation of critical aspects of the Microscope Slides market.The following features characterize these marketing strategies: driver
Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
image: Left: Nanobots entering a dentinal tubule. Centre top and bottom: Schematic representation and electron microscope image of nanobot moving through dentinal tubule to reach bacterial colony. Right: How locally induced heat from nanobot can ki
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A research associate at IISc Bangaluru had said, “The dentinal tubules are very small, and bacteria reside deep in the tissue. Current techniques are not efficient enough to go all the way inside and kill the bacteria.”
Researchers have
Installation artist Satpreet Kahlon’s new piece “a boundary, a demarcation” is on view February 11 – April 8, 2022 at the Jack Straw Cultural Center. Using segmented pieces of image transferred onto found wood and cardboard, the artist has created a piece about nostalgia, access, and g
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Russ Hollander works on a diamond ring at his store, R. Holander Master Goldsmith on Bedford Street, on Thursday, July 3, 2014.
Inside Russ Hollander's brick-walled storefront, glass display cases glimmer with platinum a