Caracas, Sep 22 (Sputnik).- For the first time in the world, a "dead" and insensitive tooth can "return to life" through the implantation of stem cells carried out inside by Venezuelan scientists in the South American country.Dr. José Cardier, head of the Cellular Therapy Unit of the Venezuelan
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The Oral Criminal Court No. 1 of Trenque Lauquen, made up of judge María Gabriela Martínez and magistrates Marcelo Centeno and Javier Pablo Heredia, resolved, in a majority ruling, to sentence Cristian Adrián Almirón, to 27 years of effective prison, for Simple homicide.https://diarioactualid
Zebrafish are known to many aquarium enthusiasts primarily for their striking pigmentation.However, the characteristic black-blue stripes, to which the animal owes its name, only form over time.Instead, their eyelash-sized larvae remain more or less transparent.Therefore, many developmental proce
Eight of the city’s most prominent dance companies are coming together for a one-night-only concert this week.
“Lineage: The Black Dance Legacy Project” has a single mission: to celebrate the legacy of black dance in Chicago.
The project will not only document the history of
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Mobile phones have become one of the most universal pieces of advanced technology in the world, and they are about to become even more vital. Aydogan Ozcan of UCLA has developed a microscope attachment for a cell phone – turning the device into a sort of mobile medical lab. It’s bo
Cell phones today are including a variety of sensors in your mobile devices.Among them we have an ultra wide angle, a monochrome lens, a TOF sensor and even one that allows us to zoom with up to 100X measurement.However, few Android terminals have opted for a special one: the microscope lens.The
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MicroScope started life in Rathbone Place in London, launched by Sportscene Specialist Press in 1982, with the first issue published on 23 September 1982. The concept of the publication was to inform readers of new innovations within the newly emerging microcomputer industry channel, with its