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At the end of last month, we published Michelle Woolley's article on the main causes of PCB failures, and attached photos of ants and mosquitoes in the most unfortunate places.
I ask readers to send their own stories/pictures. This is the first few who came in. Please feel free to se
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Nanoscience Instruments is proud to announce the launch of Thermo Scientific Phenom Pharos G2, the latest version of the only desktop FE-SEM on the market. The Pharos G2 system is based on the compact design of the world's best-selling desktop SEM, allowing users to utilize all the functions of F
El informe deinvestigación global 2021 de la industria del mercado Sistema enfocado de haz de iones (FIB) proporciona una descripción general del escenario del mercado, que cubre las dinámicas que afectan el panorama competitivo de las industosici que también sición de informen los desafíos
March 4, 2016 · Análises 69 comments
A Canon é uma das marcas de máquinas fotográficas reflex mais populares, quer a nível amador como a nível profissional. Depois does the unboxing and chegou a altura de revelarm
Madrid, November 19 (European News)-
Investigadores del Brigham and Women's Hospital y del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT), en Estados Unidos, han utilizado el poder de la nanotecnología para descubrir una nueva forma en la que el cáncer puede desarmar a sus antemaria ce
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Your dermatologist will not surgically remove a skin sample, send it to the laboratory and wait a few days for the results, but take pictures of suspicious les
Thanks to Aydogan Ozcan's UCLA team for using deep learning and RCM to realize skin virtual histology without biopsy.
According to an article published today in Light: Science & Applications, this may become a clinical routine. This is a new "virtual histology" technology developed by r
The latest dimensional metrology, inspection and quality news
Read a quick summary of metrology and smart manufacturing news from the past 7 days.
New system combines microscope with profile measurement
Atomic force microscope manufacturer Park Systems announced the launch of P